Exceeding Rand Recommendations for Depression and PTSD in the Military

A 2008 study released by Rand called “Invisible Wounds of War” addressed the issue of PTSD, major depression, and the rising suicide rate in the military. Burris Institute and its Subconscious Restructuring process have been compliant with the recommendations of the Rand study for over a decade.  An overview of how the Subconscious Restructuring® process now exceeds Rand recommendations can be found in the Evidence-Based section of the Burris  Institute website.


We’ve all said it once in our lives, right?  Maybe not publicly, but we’ve certainly thought this to ourselves at some point in our adult life.  When we do verbalize it, we say this when we encounter something that is blatantly wrong.  It’s when something grabs your attention that is so poorly thought out, yet it still exists, it cocks your head to the side.  We’re not so shocked at how perverse the act is, but more so that we didn’t really focus enough to see it before, as “a WTF” has probably been around for a while…we just never noticed it before.  Even if we saw it, we didn’t let it sin

The Maginot Line

Most of you that are consistent readers of my blog know I attempt to provide a positive and empowering approach to healing PTSD.  Providing insight “through a warrior’s eyes”, I think, can be beneficial for many of the motivated clients I work with.  By focusing on their Objectives, we work together using tools, encouragement, and reinforcement for the positive gains they make.   Along with the tools of Subconscious Restructuring®, together, we are achieving outstanding results!

Unfair Comparison

I was in a yoga class last week and my mind began to wander...

I'm pausing here, because I imagine I am getting a few strange looks from some of my readers.  I can hear your comments from here:


"Are you kidding me?"

I promise there is a point to this story, so keep moving warriors.
