Following is an excerpt from the Subconscious Restructuring™ Book.

Sigmund Freud laid the foundation for and implemented psychoanalysis in the 1890s. This was when cars were coming onto the scene and steered by a tiller. A tiller is a stick you push back and forth to steer the vehicle. The tiller was wholly replaced by the steering wheel by 1913. Psychoanalysis, however, is not only still used today but represents the foundation for virtually all psychotherapeutic approaches. Burris Institute felt it was not just time for an update but an entirely new approach based on the mechanism and measurement of thought, emotion, and gut health, as opposed to analyzing behaviors that do not work.

Subconscious Restructuring™ (SR™) is not just about a paradigm shift in Freud's antiquated approach to behavior change. It is also about rewriting the medical and nutritional protocols integral to the emotional (mental) health equation. This is done with statistical data and medical literature to support these changes. Step 6, for example, addresses gut health and nutrition, with over 160 medical references supporting it. SR™ is supported by the 17 psychometrics that we have measured at every session since the introduction of SR™ into psychiatric care in 1990.

The first question to an MD, emotional health practitioner, or nutritionist must be: what does the science say? In other words, what data do you have that indicates what you are doing works? In the case of an emotional health provider, the science must be in the form of client-generated data. An observational subjective assessment will not do.

Subconscious Restructuring™: No Meds, Labels, or Personal History

My interpretation of visiting a psychotherapist goes like this. The psychotherapist greets you and says have a seat. We will first find out what the problem is, and then we will make you feel better. What I hear them saying is, "I would first like to drag you through the junkyard of your past, and then we will find someone to blame it on." This approach may work for some, but statistical data shows that it does not work for the vast majority of people.

One must ultimately decide what will work the best. You can Blame your life on someone, or you can take control of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior to become your true emotional, spiritual, and physical self and live your best life.

  • SR™ is an evidence-based process developed on the mechanism of thought, emotion, behavior, and gut health. SR™ uses this mechanism to teach the client how to interrupt, restructure, and reprogram any thought, emotion, and behavior that does not work. Meds, labels, or personal history are not necessary or desired because they can and will impede progress toward your objectives.
  • Measurable outcomes based on a 22-point Emotional Fitness and Gut Health Checklist are produced at the beginning and end of the initial two two-hour sessions and at every one-hour follow-up thereafter while working with an SR™ Practitioner.
  • Burris Institute has defined normal, establishing a clear client objective.
  • Burris Institute has established 7 KQs to define behavior cause and control and 3 KQs to determine the legitimacy of the data generated in the measurable outcomes.

The Basic Elements of SR™

Emotional Measurement: Good decisions are never made when you are emotionally distressed. This is why the first step for all coaches or therapists must be to establish a baseline by measuring your emotional state and then continue to monitor it at every session, which is what we do with SR™. You can find data from 5 Practitioners, 90 clients, and 3 demographics at the following website. then click on SR™ Overview.

Gut Health Measurement: Approximately 500 million neurons (brain cells) line the gut and can profoundly affect mood independent of any past trauma. This is why it is also imperative to measure gut health, which is what we will do in Step 6 of the SR™ process.

Objectives of SR™: After establishing a baseline with the Emotional Fitness Checklist, the primary objective of SR™ is to teach you how thought, emotion, and behavior work. This will enable you to interrupt, restructure, and reprogram any thought, emotion, and behavior that simply does not work.

If someone tries to give you a recommendation or advice based on an emotionally distressed state, the results will be random at best, if not disastrous. Accurate recommendations about your personal or professional life can only occur from the information you give in an empowered emotional state. You can only give information from an empowered emotional state if you first measure where you are right now and fully understand how thought, emotion, and behavior work and what physiological influencers may be affecting this process. 

Mechanisms of the Subconscious

Everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled has been stored in your subconscious since your first breath. The subconscious uses this information to determine how you emotionally respond to your world, which in turn will equal your behavior. If something is determined not to work, one must understand how the subconscious works and how to take control of it. Fundamentally, people will do what they are programmed to unless that programming is interrupted and restructured.

SR™ does not depend on your personal history, labeling, or observational, subjective assessment to fix or improve behavior. SR™ goes straight to the problem and immediately to the fix.

About Kelly Burris, PhD, MSRT

Kelly Burris has defined 'Normal' in an industry that only defines broken or disordered. He is the developer of the empirically sound Subconscious Restructuring® process and founder of the Burris Institute. With over 250 medical references, Subconscious Restructuring® represents a scientific breakthrough in mental health, and it has done this without meds, labels, or personal history.

As part of the Burris ecosystem, SR™ Practitioners can manage, track, and interact with current and future clients after certification on This same ecosystem enables corporate, military, and educational entities to supervise and monitor the performance of their internal Subconscious Restructuring® (mental health) infrastructure in the cloud. The “Subconscious Restructuring” and “Reprogramming the Overweight Mind” books are now at