Emotion drives behavior yet emotion is bypassed in favor of looking at the resulting behavior in the mental health industry. Normal cannot be defined by skipping the driver of what constitutes normal. The only explainable motivation for this is no one wants to fix a disorder because it is more profitable to drag it out or drug it. Better is not when a therapist or psychiatrist says you are better it is when you can see and feel you are better. This can only happen if you measure, track and improve emotion at every session.
With over 900 pages in DSM-5, there is not 1 page that clearly defines normal. Without a definition for normal, what is the objective? This makes treatment progression and conclusion elusive. You are in a perpetual state of subjective improvement with any of the disorders listed in the DSM and without a clear path to normal. With a 26-year efficacy regarding 17 issues including depression, anxiety, and stress Subconscious Restructuring™ has resolved this issue.
Anytime the focus is an observational behavioral assessment the root cause is being bypassed which is the emotional state. Observational behavioral assessment engages the mental health professional in a guessing game as opposed to an accurate diagnosis, which is exemplified in a recent statement by Dr. Allen Frances.
Dr. Allen Frances who supervised the fourth edition of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders stated. “The worst suggestions in DSM-5 will turn normal grief into major depressive disorder, will turn the forgetting of old age into mild neurocognitive disorder, will turn worrying about your cancer into somatic symptom disorder, will turn temper tantrums in kids into disruptive mood deregulation disorder, will have attention deficit disorder be virtually ubiquitous and an easy means of getting stimulant drugs for performance enhancement and for recreation. The history of psychiatry is the history of fad diagnoses. Fashion plays a large part. And fashion is now being very much influenced especially by the drug companies.”
One must ask what the motivation is for bypassing the root cause of aberrant behavior or not measuring emotion at all and prescribing dangerous medications, but I believe Dr. Allen Frances already makes the answer clear.
Normal Range for the SR™ 3 Instrument 22 Point Checklist
Emotional Checklist: 1 - 4
Behavior Control Checklist: 7 - 10
Relationship Satisfaction Scale: 7 -10
*All instruments are based on a scale of 1-10.
* The client decides what is normal for them within the established normal range.
If you wish to “Get Normal” you must first define normal, and you can find a clear definition of normal here. http://www.burrisinstitute.com/emotional-measurement/more
About Kelly Burris, PhD, MBC
Kelly Burris has defined ‘Normal’ in an industry, that only defines broken or disordered. He is the developer of the empirically sound Subconscious Restructuring™ process and founder of Burris Institute. With over 150 medical references Subconscious Restructuring™ represents a scientific breakthrough in mental health, and it has done this without meds, labels, or personal history.
As part of the Burris, ecosystem Subconscious Restructuring™ Practitioners can manage, track and interact with current and future clients after certification on BurrisConnect.com. This same ecosystem enables corporate, military, and educational entities to supervise and monitor the performance of their internal Subconscious Restructuring™ (mental health) infrastructure in the cloud.